Bruce Willis
Bruce grew up mainly in PennsGrove, NJ and graduated from high school there before going to New York to become an actor. Waited tables and tended bar for a living until he began to get roles in plays. Was seen tending bar in New York by a casting director who liked his personality & needed a bartender for a small movie role. He is left handed. He appeared nude in the movie The Color of Night. Was high school student council president. Appeared on "Late Show with David Letterman" to advertise for Demi Moore's Striptease by doing his own undressing act. As a young man his personality was very much like that of the character that he portrayed on "Moonlighting" (1985). He was always getting into trouble because of this and was bodily ejected from parties by the hosts for being obnoxious. Was the first actor to ever "act" in a video game. No one before has ever done voice work along with having their movements digitally added to the game. In 2001 he stated he will no longer be doing violent action or "save-the-world" movies. The scar on his left shoulder isn't actually a scar at all. His shoulder is just strained from his days of high school wrestling. Wrestling also gave him the thick neck he has now. Wears his watch upside down with the face on the inside of his hand. This is also visible in many movies he's done (Die Hard with a Vengeance, Mercury Rising, etc.) where they haven't requested him to flip it over. Memorial Day weekend, 1987: Was arrested after reportedly disturbing the peace and assaulting a police officer who was called to quiet a raucous party at his home. The charges were dropped after Willis agreed to apologize to his neighbors. According to friends, he had a terrible stammer as a child. |
![]() Royal Deceit
Christian Bale
The 10th Anniversary issue of Entertainment Weekly crowned Christian Bale as one of the Top 8 Most Powerful Cult Figures of the past decade, citing his incredible and legendary cult status on the Internet. Hand-picked by director/writer Harron, Mary and author Bret Easton Ellis to star in American Psycho. Consequently, was noted by the media as the first star of American Psycho, only to lose the part to Leonardo DiCaprio, and then win it back again. He appeared nude in American Psycho as well as in Metroland and Royal Deceit . He has an uncanny ear for accents - he has used a different accent for each of his films to date. Bale was handpicked by Winona Ryder for the coveted role of Laurie (Theodore Laurence) in Little Women. Step-son of feminist activist Gloria Steinem. Christian is active in many organizations, including Ark Trust, Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Foundation, the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, the Redwings Sanctuary, and the Happy Child Mission, and a school for streetkids in Rio De Janeiro. Is an activist for many different causes. His grandfather doubled for John Waters in two movies, in Africa. His first on-screen role was in 1983 at age 9 in a British commercial for Pac-man cereal. |
Ed Harris
In 1995 alone, he plumbed the depths of human depravity as Just Cause brutal serial killer, soared to the heights of heroism in Apollo 13, and reincarnated enigmatic conspirator E. Howard Hunt for Nixon. His square-jawed, clear-eyed, rugged good looks are straight out of a Marlboro ad. He is intense, meticulous, and hard-working. But perhaps the most impressive thing about Ed Harris is that he has made a name for himself in Hollywood despite the fact that a) he almost never gets to play the lead; and b) he has lost most of his hair. Surely, that explains how fame eluded him for so long. You can see a partial frontal (dick) shot of him in the movie To Kill a Priest, a butt shot in the movie Knightriders and a cock and balls shot of him popping out of his towel in the movie Swing Shift. Since The Abyss, Harris has been most successful taking on smaller roles in films supported by the drawing power of other actors. He smoldered with righteous indignation in 1992's Glengarry Glen Ross, cast with Al Pacino, Alec Baldwin, and Jack Lemmon, and the next year was chilling as a double-dealing F.B.I. agent in the Tom Cruise vehicle The Firm. In 1995, Harris nailed the role of Mission Control director Gene Kranz in director Ron Howard's astronaut homage Apollo 13, and was deservedly Oscar-nominated for his performance. The buzz from Apollo 13 was so favorable that Harris was billed above the title with co-stars Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery in ads for the 1996 summer action-thriller The Rock. |
![]() Swing Shift
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